London Philharmonic Orchestra Junior Artists 2023/24
We were delighted to hear earlier this week that Year 12 clarinettist Birce has been selected to join the London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) Junior Artists 2023/24 programme.
Birce, the only young clarinettist in the programme, will become part of the LPO family for a year and will get to know the musicians, staff and artists. The LPO Junior Artist programme is an annual orchestral experience for talented young musicians from backgrounds currently under-represented in professional UK orchestras.
Further information is available here.
Congratulations, Birce.
Young Songwriter of the Year 2023 Competition
Following on from a Weekly Highlights feature earlier this year, Year 12 composition student Cole, who is in contention for the Young Songwriter of the Year competition, will be performing his song ‘Just You & Me’ this Saturday (23rd September) at The Tabernacle in London as part of the competition’s Showcase.
Performing with Cole will be Jessica (Year 13, voice), Angelica (piano), Nathaniel (guitar), Jonathan (bass) and Ali (drums) – a truly Purcell affair – and, at the event, the judges will announce the competition’s Top 3 songs. We wish Cole and his performers the very best of luck.
BBC Inspire Young Composer Competition 2023
Heartfelt congratulations to alumni Jamie Smith and Reese Carly Manglicmot who have won the Senior Category in the 2023 BBC Inspire Young Composer Competition.
The Young Composer Competition is a biennial competition for 12 to 18 year olds across the UK who create their own original music. Winners participate in a tailored development programme working with a mentor composer on a project with members of the BBC Concert Orchestra, culminating in a performance or broadcast opportunity.
A special mention must also be made of Year 10 composer Natalie who was Highly Commended in the Lower Junior Category.
All at Purcell are thrilled for you, and very proud!
Alumni Afternoon
It was with great pleasure that we welcomed some of our past students back to Purcell on Sunday 17th September for an afternoon of reminiscing and student performances. It was wonderful to hear not only about our alumni’s experience of Purcell but of all their accomplishments and careers since.
Special thanks to Anna (Year 11, piano), Tristan (Year 11, piano), Shlomi (Year 11, violin), Ali (Year 13, percussion), Hannah (Year 10, percussion), Rocco (Year 13, guitar) and Nathaniel (Year 13, guitar) for lending their talent and time so generously.