The Purcell School warmly welcomes students from across the world to join our thriving community of world class young musicians. Our school is currently home to students from over 23 countries and you may already know of some of our Purcellians from your home country. We are proud of our international outlook.

Visa Information

All students living outside the UK require a visa from UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to study at The Purcell School. This must be obtained by the student’s family in the home country before the student begins their studies at the School. The latest information on studying in the UK is to be found on the government website GOV.UK – Child Student visa. Please read this important information before making your application.

The School holds a Student Sponsor licence granted by the Home Office. This means that we can provide a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) sponsorship number for you to use when applying for your visa.

If you have any queries about the visa process, please contact our International Student Co-ordinator, Caroline Fletcher on

Guardian Information

All students at The Purcell School whose parents live overseas are required to have a Guardian over the age of 24 years, who is resident in the UK and who lives within two hours travelling distance from the School. This is to ensure that:

  • There is a contact in the UK with whom the School may refer in the event of an emergency.
  • The students have a UK location where they can stay if they are not returning home during holiday periods or the Exeat weekends when they have to leave the School premises.
  • There is an address where the student can stay for medical or disciplinary reasons in the event that they are unable to remain on the School premises.

Families may appoint a relative or close friend as a Guardian or Guardians can be arranged through the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students (AEGIS). The AEGIS website has a list of Guardianship Agencies who offer their services:

For any more information please email the International Student Co-ordinator, Caroline Fletcher, on