Welcome to the latest edition of Purcell’s Weekly Highlights!

Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival

On Sunday 12th June, Year 12 accordion player Mikhail won the 15-17 year old Accordion Recital Category at the Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival. He also won the Accordion World Magazine Challenge Trophy for the most outstanding and highest scoring solo performance in the accordion section, and performed in the Prizewinners’ concert on Saturday 25th June. Congratulations to Mikhail.

Year 9 clarenttist Marina also triumphed in the recent Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, taking first place in the Age 12-13 Wind recital. Well done on a fantastic achievement, Marina.

Singers Soiree

Purcell’s Singers’ Soiree took place on Monday 20th June, and it was a splendid affair. The superb performances were warmly received by a delighted audience, and the evening reminded all at Purcell of how important it is to experience the sensation of a return to normality. Long may it last!