Welcome to the latest edition of Purcell’s Weekly Highlights!
Purcell Pianist Wins Age Category at AADTG Young Musician Competition
We were thrilled to hear earlier this week that Year 7 pianist Kevin has won his age category in the American Association for Development of the Gifted and Talented (AADTG) Young Musician Competition. As such, he has been invited to New York this summer, where he will make a professional video recording of one of his competition pieces. Kevin studies at Purcell under Florian Mitrea.
Congratulations to Kevin on a fantastic achievement!
Godalming Performing Arts Festival
Year 12 oboist and flautist Tom took part and triumphed in the Wind section of the Godalming Performing Arts Festival on Wednesday 9th March 2022. Tom came joint first in the Oboe Class, and first in the Flute Class. We are so very pleased for him!
Tom studies the oboe under James Turnbull and the flute with Clare Jefferis.
Purcell Students Perform at Marlborough House
Last week, four of Purcell’s young musicians were delighted and privileged to be able to perform their own specially-themed compositions to a large and distinguished audience at Marlborough House.
This musical performance was part of a conference organised by the Commonwealth Blue Charter on Thursday 3rd March 2022 for High Commissioners and Commonwealth Delegates. The students, all sixth formers, created and performed pieces linked to the health of the world’s oceans, inspired by themes such as climate change, coral reefs and rising sea levels, amongst other things.
Warm congratulations to Andrea (Year 12, violin), Connor (Year 13, bassoon), Lewis (Year 13, keyboard) and Mikhail (Year 12, accordion) for their beautiful pieces and performances. Special thanks also to Ms Whitty for her help and support for this event.
The audience listened carefully to the music and warmly complimented the young people for their pieces and performances.