Welcome to the latest edition of Purcell’s Weekly Highlights!
The Bromsgrove Young Musicians’ Platform
We were pleased to hear that Year 7 student April entered The Bromsgrove Young Musicians’ Platform this half term. She was the youngest finalist in Junior Category and was Highly Commended for her playing and musicianship. This was April’s first live performance competition and she worked tremendously hard during the half term to make it a success. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement, April – the first of many, we are sure!
Thoughts on Alban Berg’s Violin Concerto
Year 12 violinist Laura has written a reflection on the piece she is currently playing, Alan Berg’s Violin Concerto, which Purcell Philosophy teacher Theresa Strydom describes as combining both ‘philosophy and music’.
The article entitled “We are Healed of a Suffering only by Experiencing it to the Full” – Thoughts on Alban Berg’s Violin Concerto is available to read in full here.
The Importance of Plants
Purcell’s Science Department has just completed a topic on the importance of plants. Biology Teacher Svetlana Emelianova explained that the project was the longest she had ever undertaken with Purcell students and that it ‘turned out to be great fun’.
As part of this exploration into the amazing world of flora, the Year 8 topic group decided to award plants medals for their significance and importance. The awards ranged from providing our world with oxygen, food and medicine to the means to produce clothing, furniture and musical instruments (naturally!), as well as recognising their essential role in decorating, populating and sustaining the world in which we live. The awards, designed by Purcell students, can be seen below.