Welcome to the latest edition of Purcell’s Weekly Highlights!

Out Of This World Young Writers Poetry Competition

We are delighted to announce that two Purcell students have became published poets! Last year April Sobczak and Maya-Ashanti Anicet (both Year 7) entered the Young Writers Poetry Competition and, during lockdown, were selected for inclusion in the competition’s anthology, Out Of This World. Their winning poems are below.

Musical Mozart

April Sobczak

M ozart was an immense musician,
U nderstanding the ways of music,
S ensibly practising his harpsichord
I nto his imagination, he’d fall,
C lassically composing symphonies whilst young aged,
A llowing his destiny to come true,
L earning who he was and who he wanted to be.

M any melodies he composed,
O beying and disobeying his father,
Z eal to know what’s true,
A nd Haydn his good friend,
R euniting his sonatas,
T ravelling and showing his talent.

The Midnight Cat

Maya-Ashanti Anicet

The midnight cat stalked his prey,
Staring at the mouse, as it lay,
Focused, the flaring feline hid his usually playful self,
Working carefully on his stealth.

Suddenly, pounced on his supper!

It was extremely intense,
The mouse losing its life more and more,
The midnight cat hungrily ate the mouse,
And went straight back to his home-made house,
Out of the window he saw a bird commencing her flight,
Then he disappeared into the night.

Art Studio

This week’s highlight from the Art Studio is Eric Wei’s stunning study in charcoal. Purcell’s Art Technician, Robin Williamson, was ‘really impressed with the quality and standard from everyone’ in the Lower Sixth art class but this particular piece caught his eye and we thought it too good not to share.