Waltham Forest Music Society Recital
Last Friday students gave a chamber music recital to the Waltham Forest Music Society, and received the following words of praise and thanks from members of the audience.
‘The standard of performance from each and every students was excellent and the number of enthusiastic comments I received from the audience was unprecedented. It’s no exaggeration to say that it was a privilege to have been present at such a concert and there are certainly some names to watch out for in the coming years.’ Ian Brown
‘Your students are not only supremely talented but they performed with wonderful technical skill and they show a maturity beyond their years.’ Andrew Golds, Chairman
Our congratulations to all students who took part.
Piano Department in Glasgow
Earlier this week, pianists from Purcell travelled to Glasgow to take part in the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s Piano Festival. They performed to celebrate Beethoven’s 250th anniversary. A full account of the trip will follow shortly.
Year 10 Maths Feast
On Thursday 12th March, four Year 10’s from The Purcell School competed in the national Year 10 Maths Feast, organised every year by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme. The afternoon involved various team challenges including a Relay, a Comprehension Round (which involved self-taught A-level Mathematics material) and a Merry-Go-Round (questions passed between teammates needing a shared problem-solving approach). Maths teacher Miss Mitchell gave us the following review of the day:
‘When we arrived at Milton Keynes Academy we realised we were up against some very strong competition – 16 teams, with schools such as Bedford School, Denbigh, and even St Paul’s, each of whom brought two teams against our singular team!
This didn’t put off our team in the slightest. After their fantastic effort and performance, I was delighted when The Purcell School team received a special mention for performing highly across all the rounds, bringing us in at 7th place overall!’ Miss Mitchell
Congratulations to Christine Amirashayeri, Henrietta Dalgleish, Jessica Hendry and Alex Neugarten for working brilliantly as a team, representing The Purcell School and performing so well against some really strong opposition.
Pi Day
Pi Day is celebrated on 14th March (3.14 based on US date system) around the world. Pi (Greek letter ‘π’) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day is an annual opportunity for maths enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about maths, and to eat pie (or in Purcell’s case, Pi shaped chocolate chip biscuits).
To celebrate this mathematical constant, the Purcell Maths Department devised lessons and activities based around Pi. They even took over the Dining Hall during first break today (Friday) to encourage students to complete some Pi Puzzles for the reward of a Pi Cookie or Sticker. Our thanks to Kerry from Holroyd Howe for the delicious cookies – maths never tasted so good!