We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Martin James Bartlett for reaching the finals in the Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe Scholars competition. The foundation provides around 900 scholarships across Europe for students in full time enrolment at Conservatoire. The scholarship programmes have existed for nearly 20 years and provide 1000-2000 Euros towards the advancements of the winners studies.
Martin joined the Purcell School at the age of 13 after having studied with Emily Jeffrey at the Royal College of Music Junior Department for 5 years. By the age of 12 he had achieved grade 8 distinction on not only the piano but also the bassoon and recorder. In 2014, during his time at the Purcell School, Martin was awarded the BBC Young Musician of the Year award. Upon leaving the school to commence his undergraduate studies with Vanessa Latarche at the Royal College of Music, he was awarded the Leaver’s Prize for Outstanding Musical Contribution, the Esther Coleman Prize and the Rosemary Rapaport Prize.
Nicola Benedetti described Martin during the BBC Young Musicians competition, a title which she had won 10 years earlier, as “[He] lives and breathes music. He is a powerful and natural musician and his love for music is serious enough to carry him through the challenges ahead.”
The final recitals will take place on 27th February at London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Tickets are free of charge and available on the door.